

The Chief Planning Officer in the District is involved in Collection, compilation and analysis of Statistics of various sectors as directed by the Govt. of India / State Govt. and District Administration. These statistics are useful for the Govt. in formulating the schemes and plans for the welfare of the people. Besides, this office attends planning works related to MPLAD Scheme, CSR, CMDF, SDF and other surveys and census related to Govt. flagship programmes as and when required. The functions performed by C.P.O’s Office are detailed below.


  1. Rainfall:

  • Revenue Rainfall is measured every day at 8.30 am and transmitted to the District Administration & D.E&S, Govt. of A.P.
  • APSDPS integrates the Revenue rainfall and AWS/ARG rainfall by 11.00 AM.
  • The integrated rainfall is the official rainfall used for all Govt. purposes.
  1. Season and Crop Condition Report:

  • The weekly and monthly season and crop condition report along with rainfall data, Crop wise areas sown particulars are collected every Week / Month from the Tahsildars in the district and consolidated report submitted to the State Govt.
  1. Agricultural Census:

  • Village wise, Crop wise, Source wise area figures (Irrigated & Un-Irrigated) collected from village functionaries for both seasons Kharif and Rabi.
  • Consolidated areas at mandal level are reconciled under the chairmanship of the Tahsildar and district level under the chairmanship of the District Collector with all the concerned departments as per G.O.Rt.No.829, dt.21-08-2013 of Planning Department.
  • The consolidated and reconciled area figures in the form of mandal wise district abstract will be submitted to the Govt. of AP through the district administration.
  1. Improvement of Crop Statistics (ICS):

(a) Timely Reporting of Agricultural Statistics (TRAS):

  • 20% sample revenue villages from each mandal are selected and the sown areas of different crops are being collected through TRAS Cards (Card No. 1 to 4) every year with an object to reduce the time lag in the availability of area estimates and to work out season wise estimates of cropped area on the basis of area statistics obtained from a sample immediately after completion of the sowings.

(b) ICS schedules for Kharif & Rabi: 

  • S 1.0 Schedules are collected for sample check of area enumerated by the VROs/VAAs.
  • S 1.1 Schedules are collected for sample check of page wise totaling of Adangals.
  1. Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs):

(a) Production Estimates:

  • To arrive production Estimates of Food and Non Food Crops, Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs) are being conducted by following the procedure laid down by the GoI.
  • These estimates are being utilized in calculation of GVA of Agriculture Sector.

(b) Crop Insurance Estimates:

  1.        Village as a Insurance Unit:

           YSR Free Crop Insurance Scheme (YSRCIS):

  • This district is selected for Village made as Insurance Unit from the year 2007 on one predominant crop ie., Paddy under National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS) and it was modified as MNAIS from 2011.
  • YSR Free Crop Insurance Scheme is being implemented since Rabi 2019-20.
  • In Village Insurance Scheme, village as a Unite., an Insurance Unit is formed with minimum 100 Hects cropped area.
  1. Mandal / District as a Insurance Unit:

  • Other predominant crops will be selected as District /Mandal unit for crop insurance.
  • Criteria for selection of Mandal / district as Unit is 5000 acres area under selected crop.
  • Crop Cutting Experiments for the above crops are being conducted along with Agriculture Department to measure the yield.
  • Agriculture department is the nodal agency for the implementation of the Scheme and for ensuring coordination for timely azmoish, conduct of Crop Cutting Experiments.
  • Directorate of Economics and Statistics will calculate Village/Mandal/District unit wise average yields for each selected crop and submit to the Agriculture Department, Govt. of AP for claim calculation.
  • These estimates will be utilized for settlement of Crop Insurance Claims.
  1. Prices:

  • Prices of Essential Commodities:
  • Daily prices of 6 Essential commodities are collected on all working days from 7 Divisional Head Quarters by concerned A.S.Os and submitted to the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Vijayawada through Online for monitoring the fluctuations and to control prices of commodities.
  • Weekly Retail Prices of 21 Essential Commodities are collected on every Friday from 7 Divisional Head Quarters by concerned Divisional Dy. Statistical Officers and submitted to the D.E.&S., Vijayawada through online for monitoring the fluctuations and to control prices of commodities.
  • The monthly Whole Sale Prices on 40 Agricultural Commodities are being collected on last Friday of every month from only one center ie., Kakinada by the Divisional Deputy Statistical Officer and submitted to the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Vijayawada.
  • Consumer Price Index : CPI (IW)
  • The Consumer Prices are being collected weekly on Every Friday and monthly on first Friday from two industrial centers i.e. Kakinada and Rajahmundry and reported directly to the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Vijayawada every month.
  • These prices are used in finalization of DA to the private industrial workers.
  • Daily Wages of Agricultural Labour & Non Agricultural Labour:
  • Daily Wages of Agricultural Labour & Non Agricultural Labour are collected from 5 Centres i.e. Yeditha, Katravulapalli, U. Kothapalli, Ambajipeta & Rampachodavaram and submitted to the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Vijayawada.
  • Prices on Building material:
  • The prices of Building Materials are collected quarterly from 2 centers i.e., Kakinada by the ASOs concerned.
  • This data will be useful for estimation of GVA of constructions as well as to construction agencies and Building Research Organisation both at state and central level.
  • Farm Harvest Prices:
  • The actual rates that farmer gets at harvest stage for important crops are collected in peak harvest period to analyze the production value of each crop.
  • These Prices are utilized for calculation of GVA of Agriculture Sector.
  • Live Stock Prices:
  • Wholesale prices of livestock, livestock product and poultry prices are collected from centres selected and submitted to the D.E&S on quarterly basis.
  • The prices are used for calculation of GVA of Livestock.
  1. Regional Accounts:

  • The Annual Accounts (Receipts and Expenditure) of local bodies, viz. Grama Panchayats, MPPs, ZPP and all ULBs are collected and furnished to Directorate for each year through online for calculation of GSDP and to assess capital formation.
  1. Preparation of Hand Book of Statistics:

  • The Statistical information of all departments of the district along with achievements under different proformae is collected and published every year in the booklet form.
  • This Hand book is useful for researchers, planners, scholars and public.
  1. Socio Economic Survey (SES):

  • The Socio Economic Survey is conducted by National Sample Survey Office since 1950.
  • Every year Govt. of India will take up surveys for collection of data covering un-organized sectors with different topics.
  1. Conducting of Census & Surveys:

      a) Land holding Census:

  • The data collected in survey to know the land use and cropping pattern, Irrigation status and tenancy particulars and terms of leasing and also needed for development planning, Socio economic formulation and establishment of national priorities.
  • The Land holding Census is conducted in each village for every 5 years to assess the changes in holdings size, tenancy ownership & Irrigation etc.
  • The latest Survey was conducted with reference year 2015-16.

       b) Minor Irrigation Census:

  • The census covers all Minor Irrigation Sources ie., Ground Water Sources & Surface Water Sources both private & Public which are being used for Agriculture having Culturable Command Area (CCA) upto 2000 Hects/4942 Acres and the data collected is utilized for formulation of proposals for the 5 year plan and estimation of Ground Water resources.
  • 6th Minor Irrigation Census is completed in the district for the reference period 2018-19.

       c) Economic Census:

  • Economic Census is the official count of all establishments / units located within the Geographical boundaries of the District /State at a given period of time.
  • This Census is being conducted once in a 5 years for enumeration of enterprises with financial involvement.

      d) Annual Survey of Industries (ASI):

  • ASI survey was started in 2002-03 and conducted every year for selected industries to estimate the GVA of manufacturing sector.

       e) Index of Industrial Production (IIP) :

  • The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) is short time indicator to measure changes in the production of an economy.
  1. Trainings on Agriculture statistics & Crop sampling:

  • One week training programme will be conducted to the revenue subordinates (Jr.Assts & VROs) on agriculture statistics and crop sampling as a part of survey training from time to time.


  1. MPLADS (Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme)

  • The objective of the Scheme is to enable MPs to recommend works of developmental nature with emphasis on the creation of durable assets of national priorities viz., drinking water, primary education, public health, sanitation and roads based on the locally felt infrastructure and development needs to be taken up in their Constituencies.
  • The District Collector is the Authority to implement the MPLADS in the district.
  • Hon’ble MPs propose the works to the District Collector as per the list of works permitted in the guidelines.
  • District Collector will sanction the works after obtaining the estimates from the Executing Agencies for the proposed works.
  1. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

  • The objective of the CSR is to enable to take up works of developmental nature with emphasis on the creation of durable community Assets based on the locally felt needs to be taken up in the Operational Area of the CSR Company. Right from inception of the CSR, durable assets of district priorities viz., drinking water, primary education, public health, sanitation and roads, etc. are being given priority.
  • The District Collector is the District Authority and having responsibility for Implementation and monitoring of the CSR activities
  • Hon’ble Public Representatives, CSR Company, Officials of the local area and Public can be propose the developmental works and same will be forwarded to the company for consent.
  • District Collector will sanction the proposed works and entrust the work to the concerned executing agency after receipt of consent from the company.
  1. Chief Minister Development Fund (CMDF)

  • The main objective of the scheme is to take up basic infrastructure works to meet the local felt needs of the public and to create capital assets in the constituencies.
  • The Scheme is intended to develop infrastructure as proposed by the Hon’ble public representatives.
  • The District Collector is the District Authority to implement the scheme. 
  • The District Authority shall make the Implementing Agency through which a particular work sanctioned by the Govt., would be executed and payments will be made by the Pay and Accounts Officers.
  1. District Review Committee (DRC):

  • The District Review Committee meetings are conducted with all the Hon’ble public representatives ie., Hon’ble Ministers, Hon’ble MP/MLC/MLA/DCCB chairman/DCMS chairman under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble District Incharge Minister.
  1. Monitoring of Information System (MIS):

  • The Govt. have instructed to consolidate the weekly progress report on services being delivered by the Village/Ward secretariats along with the inspections done by the District Collector and Joint Collectors etc.,
  1. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

  • Collection and enter the data in Web Portal before 10th of every month from 61 departments for 443 periodicity wise indicators (Monthly/Quarterly/Half yearly/Yearly/Quinquennial)
  • Monitoring the performance of the Districts on the activities with intention to take corrective measures for improving the performance.